Yukon Venture Angels is a
newly formed group, since 2021
YVA engages with all Yukoners keen to learn, engage and invest in and support local enterprise. Our focus is to educate ourselves and mobilize deal making and growing Yukon’s private sector economy - at home and across the globe.
October 2024 Update
In 2020, our partners at the National Angel Capital Organization (NACO), commissioned a report on the state of, and how to mobilize Angel Activity in Yukon. Since 2020, YVA has been working strategically to implement a competitive, accessible and prosperous ecosystem for Yukon, with the support of our members, the Yukon Government, Canada and our Yukon partners.

Our five key focus areas include:
To work towards making Yukon an attractive and genuinely competitive jurisdiction for angel investing and for start-up enterprises. This includes seeking to influence and support government policies and practices to those ends.
To participate actively in Canadian and global Angel networks.
To seek and facilitate investment opportunities including syndicated investments and such other investment vehicles as might be possible.
To build Angel competence, networks and experience in service to expanding Yukon’s private investment ecosystem, including supporting investor education.
To champion local and external Angel capital to support enterprises in Yukon and elsewhere, with an emphasis on global facing, scalable enterprises with growth potential that goes beyond Yukon.