
What is an Angel Group, and why do they matter for a thriving local economy?

Angel investing is a type of private investing, in which individual investors attempt to earn higher returns by taking on more risk compared with investing in the public markets. Angel investing is also a great way to support the health of our Yukon enterprises. Angel investors typically finance and may mentor a business startup at the very early stages.

Why is Angel investing of value to the Yukon’s economy?

Angel investing is critical to the birth and success of high-growth businesses.  Angels are a bridge between friends-and-family funding and venture capital.  They are typically entrepreneurs themselves and are motivated to grow companies through their investment and mentorship.  While angel investors typically co-invest with other angels across Canada or globally, they also believe in investing in their local ecosystem.

Yukon’s burgeoning Angel Ecosystem

Though the Yukon’s population and corresponding startup community is small, several companies born here have grown to scale and significant valuations. We see several opportunities submitted each year that are worth investigating, for the curious or the committed.

Innovation in Investment

YVA helps liberate Yukon private capital to support start-up enterprises through education, collaboration and connection. Members of YVA are interested in facilitating more investment opportunities including syndicated investments and strategic partnerships . Our significant and ongoing experience is a critical driver in Yukon’s start-up ecosystem. Several types and structures of deals are accessible to the membership. That membership supports each other in their assessment of and participation in opportunities.

Our Focus

The focus of YVA is global facing, scalable enterprises and community impact. There is a place for businesses that serve Main Street and businesses that will eventually trade on Wall Street.

 YVA’s Long-Term Vision

The long-term goal is to make Yukon an attractive habitat for angel investing and for the startup enterprises they support to build a healthy economy.